21.06.2018 - A school with respect for children and for learning

At the Joy Primary School, we propose a new approach both to our pupils and to learning which is completely different to those approaches more generally in use. The child and efforts to create the best atmosphere for him or her to learn and develop are our focal points of interest.  In creating our school,…


21.06.2018 - Enrolment for Classes 0 and I

ENROLMENT for Classes 0 and I is continuing!  You are welcome to send your application to: sekretariat@joyprimaryschool.pl or sign up, by ‘phone, on 722305333. In creating our school, we are inspired by Finnish educational ideas, where strong emphasis is placed, equally, on the child acquiring knowledge as well as on how to make learning pleasant…


21.06.2018 - Does School Kill Creativity?

Learning helps if the pupil can assess what he/she knows and should do next. Feedback is also important as it strengthens a pupil’s forte while, at the same time, highlighting what fields require working on. At the Joy Primary School, pupils have the opportunity to independently assess their strengths and also those fields which need…
