In order to ensure the harmonious development of the child, his or her intellectual competence and physical skills should be developed in equal measure. All these possibilities are provided to the pupils at our school, the Joy Primary School.
We attach great importance to the recommendations of the W.H.O., regarding the upbringing of children and the provision of appropriate doses of physical activity, defined, there, as at least 60 minutes a day of physical effort. In our school, physical education classes are varied and take place every day. We try to make participation in these classes as pleasurable an experience as possible, for the children. Thanks to our efforts, we are able to instil a sporting spirit into the children from their earliest years.

Physical activity is health
We know perfectly well that sport is important in raising a child. First of all, it provides physical health. Movement affects many systems and organs at the same time, including the skeletal and muscular systems. It also improves motor co-ordination and thus helps in assimilating other subjects, as it stimulates the nervous system.
Physical activity also supports the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Lung capacity increases along with increased blood and oxygen flow to the heart and brain. This, in turn, assists with memory improvement and concentration. In addition, sport also builds immunity, developing the immune system in children, correctly.

A sound mind is a sound body
Sport also has a salutary effect on the psyche, mainly because, whilst engaging in it, so-called endorphins, or “happiness hormones” are released, resulting in the simultaneous disappearance of the negative consequences of stress, fatigue and depression.
At the Joy Primary School, we place great emphasis on team games as they are perfect for teaching co-operation and developing children's social skills. By participating in games, children begin to find their place within a group and to react to success and failure in the right way. School friendships often turn into life-long relationships.
Sport is also a unique opportunity to exercise character through perseverance in pursuing goals and in exercising patience and discipline. These features will pay off in adult life.